Hello, I'm sophie


I have worked on campaigns for the last 5 years.

I'm looking for new opportunities to expand my experience in creative and digital work; photo, video, motion graphics, and design.

I'm located in Brooklyn, NY and am interested in both remote and in-person work.




Katie Porter for Congress

Mobilization Director | June 2020 - November 2020

  • Designed and executed a mobilization plan to use non-traditional methods of voter contact to re-elect Rep. Porter.
  • Wrote texting scripts, led text team trainings of 40+ volunteers via Zoom, and worked with persuasion texting group to send a total of 745,339 texts to voters in Congressional District 45.
  • Led a volunteer team of graphic designers to produce content for our volunteer social media accounts.

Warren for President

Iowa Digital Press Assistant | June 2019 - February 2020

  • Created daily and rapid-response content for Iowa for Warren social media accounts to recruit volunteers and supporters.
  • On-the-ground event photographer and videographer for campaign events.
  • Produced video content to amplify organizers and highlight the work being done in field offices across the state.
  • Social Audiences:
    • Twitter: 6,115 followers
    • Facebook: 2,357 likes, 2,424 followers
    • Instagram: 2,504 followers

Illinois Digital Organizer / P2P Manager | February 2020 - March 2020

  • Managed peer-to-peer programs and coordinated with Data and Organizing departments to optimize texting for daily volunteer recruitment.
  • Created social toolkits and talking points for volunteers to create content and leverage their personal networks.

Berlin Rosen

Digital Strategy and Communications Intern | January - May 2019

  • Increased Facebook page likes by nearly 4,500 with a successful follower campaign for upcoming documentary Rigged: The Voter Suppression Playbook and yielded nearly 200 preorders with additional Google ads.
  • Produced weekly social content, live event coverage, and ran the Twitter account for Fair Futures, a coalition that pressured Mayor de Blasio to make NYC the first city in the nation to ensure coaches for youth in foster care through age 26. Largely due to the media storm we helped create, the NYC City Council allocated $10 million for new coaches in the 2019 budget.

Sheldon Whitehouse for Senate

Digital / Field Organizer | June - November 2018

  • Field organizer for senatorial and gubernatorial midterms.
  • Created daily content for campaign social media accounts and owned content, updates and analytics for the campaign website.
  • Staffed campaign functions and tracked opposition’s press events.

Pennsylvania Democratic Party

Field Organizer | August - November 2016

  • Recruited, trained and led volunteers across Pittsburgh neighborhoods in the West End.
  • Managed voter registration drives, phone banks, and door-to-door canvassing operations.
  • Supervised GOTV for the local office to contact nearly 3,000 voters.

Hillary for America

Digital Content Intern | Summer 2016

  • Created content for The Feed, edited and curated blog posts, collected information, pitched post ideas, tracked national & local politics to create current news.

Say Hello

2023. Brooklyn, NY 11216. USA